But what I started to think about during my call with my colleague is that this concept of making changes to ones home or place of work to accommodate the physical changes that naturally occur in our body should be less about age and more about adapting to ability. Wow... something that I knew as a specialist but it was like a knock on the side of the head. This aging in place thing certainly applies to baby boomers who are thinking about their future but the truth is: Its Much More About Independence and doing all the things to one's domicile that permit one to consider that living in a place of one's choosing should always be at the top of the list.
Here is a quote that I read somewhere and wanted to share that tells it like it is: We are all aging all the time, and accessibility needs aren’t dictated by one’s years – it’s dictated by one’s abilities.
So I'm looking for ways to describe the concepts and ideas of creating places that are safe spaces without resorting to terms like aging in place nor even universal design. Would it be : LifeTime Design? Freedom Homes? Choice Design Selection? Accessible Interiors? Anyway, what are your thoughts? There should be a name that makes this idea of accessible much more sexy.
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