Denial can be a beautiful thing. And as baby boomers start to reach a certain age, they can get pretty darn skilled at it:
“Sure I can play competitive hoops with the 20-something guys at work.”
“If I leave that 401k statement unopened, then my portfolio isn’t sucking wind.”
“Make a will? That’s for old people.”
And then there’s the ever-popular “Hell no, I’ll never become frail.”
Never say never. As we’re discovering (for better or for worse), we’re a generation with a lot of big plans, that often doesn’t like planning—especially when it involves acknowledging age-related weakness or loss of ability. It’s an attitude borne out in a new survey about boomers’ long-term housing choices, conducted by insurance group The Hartford, in conjunction with the MIT Age Lab, called Boomers in Transition: Where Will They Live Next?
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