We know all.
We see all.
And as we change, so does the way we think and process information.
Check out a book called....
Generation Ageless: How Baby Boomers Are Changing the Way We Live Today . . . And They're Just Getting Started,...
The author makes some compelling points about how our brain adapts and changes due and how we perceive information as we engage with life is pretty amazing. For example...
Gerontologists tell us that as Baby Boomers age, we develop:
• A superior perception of reality
• Less interest in material things
• More interest in having experiences
• Increased acceptance of self
• Increased wisdom
• Higher capacity for humor
• Increased spontaneity
• Increased appreciation for friendships
• Increased desire to do for others
• Increased sense of fair play and fairness
• Increased creativity
• Changes in our value system
As Baby Boomers grow older our perceptions are more holistic and respond better to nonverbal symbols. We are becoming more receptive to narrative-styled presentations of information and less responsive to information presented in expository style. After a matter qualifies for our interest and further attention, Baby Boomers tend to want more information than do younger consumers.